Therapy & Healing

Mental Health Counseling

According to WHO research, Depression & Anxiety is a common mental disorder affecting more than 264 million people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities.

The innards of our therapy sessions together, will be to help you develop the mental perseverance needed to lead a successful life. Additionally, we will work on the development of self-confidence, which will help you to move more easily through challenging times in the future, as well as become a more productive and empowered person.

Relationship Counseling

Healthy relationships around an individual is essential for one’s Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual growth.

As Author Dr. Neale Donald Walsch beautifully puts in his book, Conversation With God Part – I,

“The function and purpose of a relationship is: to provide a field of experience within which you find yourself, define yourself and if you choose – constantly recreate who you are.”

Our Relationships, the experiences we have in those relationships be it with Spouse, Companion, Friends, Parents, In – Laws, Teachers and others are a direct reflection of our Inner – Selves.

Pre – Marital Counseling

Every story of TOGETHERNESS supported by FUDOL Therapies is beautiful and will remain special to our hearts.

“We marry to fulfil each other’s needs.” 

“We marry because you have to marry at the right age.” 

“We marry because we have to have children to continue our family legacy.”

“We marry because we require someone to take care of our parents.” 

There are so many ‘wrong’ reasons because of which we unconsciously make the decision of getting married

Infertility/Pre – Pregnancy Counseling

I] Infertility and Pre – Pregnancy Counseling

Being a parent is the best blessing the universe can incur on us.

FUDOL Therapies have always supported couples who are encountering difficulties in conceiving due to physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual reasons. 

With the blend of therapies we offer, we have experienced rapid results in the field of Infertility Challenges. Couples who are trying to bring a baby naturally or through IVF – we offer them an emotional, psychological and spiritual buffer to accelerate the progress of conceiving the baby. 

II] 9 Joyous Months – Pregnancy Counselling

Duration: 12 Months (9 months of Pregnancy + 3 months of Post Pregnancy Support)

We invite all the To – Be Parents to our 9 Joyous Months Program.

In the 9 months of Pregnancy, we care for the mother and to – be born child’s Emotional – Spiritual – Physical – Psychological Health. Every trimester has certain therapeutic techniques which will shield the mother and baby to – be born Emotionally and Spiritually.

Employee Counseling

 As we know that stress in any area of one’s life affects the quality of work one is able to do. For a company or a corporation to scale, the Emotional Health of its Human Resource i.e. employees are of prime importance.

Following are the ways in which we cater to companies for the benefit of their employees. @FUDOL Therapies we offer Companies & Corporate programs such as: