Past Life Regression Course

Past Life Regression Course

Past Life Regression is a holistic healing modality which uses hypnosis as the basis to take the client into trance and regress to past lives addressing a particular issue which is recurring. 

Hours: 48 hours

Mode: Offline

Learn! Grow! Evolve!

  • Introduction to Past Life Regression
  • Introduction to Soul
  • Different Types of Karma
  • Current Lifetime: From Birth to this current moment
  • Past Life Regression and Health
  • Past Life Regression and Emotions
  • Past Life Regression and Finances
  • Past Life Regression and Skills
  • Past Life Regression: Promoting World Peace Harmony
  • About Spirit World
  • Life Pattern based of Karmic Connections
  • Life between Lives States
  • FAQs
  • Past Life Questionnaire
  • Hypnosis: Definition, Myths and Misconception
  • Evaluating your Hypnotic Capacity 
  • Hypnosis Responsiveness Questionnaire
  • Model of Consent Forms
  • Therapeutic Strategies of Past Life Body Work
  • Progressive Relaxation with Regression to Childhood
  • Non – Hypnotic Techniques of Past Life Regression
  • Indications & Contra indications of Past Life Therapy
  • Oaths, Vows and Curses
  • Case Studies and Practical Experiences


  • Booklet and Certificate
  • 1 PLR session for each participant
  • Assistance in Practising PLR Therapy with 2 clients.