Forgiveness Course – Ending Karmic Cycles


  • Increases the Soul Power
  • Uplifts Depression, Anxiety and Sadness
  • Find Peace and Calmness within
  • Find the answer to: “Why Me?”


  • Booklet and Certificate
  • 2 customised session after the course
  • Assistance in Practising Forgiveness with 2 clients/people

Forgiveness Course – Ending Karmic Cycles

When we Forgive, We Heal.

One of our Soul’s Purpose on Earth is to learn the art of Letting Go anger, resentment, regret, grudges and guilt and move towards love, light and laughter. 

Hours: 48 hours

Mode: Offline

Learn! Grow! Evolve!

  • Understanding of Karmas
  • Understanding Karmic Relationships
  • The Purpose of Karmic Relationships
  • Understanding of Karmic Cycles
  • Lessons to Learn in a Karmic Relationships 
  • Importance and Ways to End the Karmic Cycle 
  • Importance of Forgiveness and Letting Go
  • Forgiveness Scale
  • Forgiveness Techniques, Affirmations and Prayers
  • Healing of Karmic Relationship and Family Systems