
1) Angelic & Divine Being Course – Level 1

Angels and Divine Beings are sent to us by our Creators to lend help, guidance, support and protection to human beings on the earth.

Angelic and Divine Beings Course – Level – II

Level II of Angelic and Divine Beings course is specifically designed for the participants who want to implement Angelic and Divine Heals in their Practice.

2) Chakra Therapy Course

Chakras are revolving, wheel – like circles of subtle energies in the human body which play a major role in the person’s physical, mental and emotional health.

3) Colour Therapy Course

Colours are the language of the Soul. Our being is filled with colours. Each colour has its own importance and a unique proposition to heal any kind of disturbances in the body, mind, emotions and soul.

4) Aura Therapy Course

Every living and non – living entity on this earth has an energy field around it, called AURA. Learn this amazing healing modality for quick cleansing, grounding and protection of yourself and your clients.

5) Forgiveness Course – Ending Karmic Cycles

When we Forgive, We Heal.
One of our Soul’s Purpose on Earth is to learn the art of Letting Go anger, resentment, regret, grudges and guilt and move towards love, light and laughter.

6) Auracle Healing Colour Cards Workshop

These beautiful Healing Colour Cards are created and designed by my mentor in Colour Therapy. Eternally grateful to her for helping me in the study of Colour Psychology.

7) Auracle Chakra Healing Cards Workshop

These beautiful 9 Auracle Chakra Healing Colour Cards help in releasing any blocks or low vibrating chakra and energising each chakra.

8) Past Life Regression Course

Past Life Regression is a holistic healing modality which uses hypnosis as the basis to take the client into trance and regress to past lives addressing a particular issue which is recurring.

Book Therapy Workshop

Following are the books we conduct workshops on:
1. How To Do The Work by Dr. Nicole LePera
2. Krishna – The Man And His Philosophy by Osho
3. Life Loves You is one of the most enchanting books by Louise Hay
4. The Laws of the Spirit World by Khorshed Bhavnagri
5. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay