Book Therapy Workshop

Book Therapy Workshop

Following are the books we conduct workshops on:

1. How To Do The Work by Dr. Nicole LePera
2. Krishna – The Man And His Philosophy by Osho
3. Life Loves You is one of the most enchanting books by Louise Hay
4. The Laws of the Spirit World by Khorshed Bhavnagri
5. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

How To Do The Work by Dr. Nicole LePera

Mode: Online or Offline

Hours: 33 hours

Know: Types of Trauma, Trauma Bonds, Ego Stories, Boundaries, Types of Parenting, and much more

For: Psychologist, Healers, and Therapist 

Help your client through: Emotional Maturity, Interdependence, Boundary Formation, Re – parenting and much more


  • Detailed discussion of all the case studies by the author and by the Therapist.
  • How to Implement all the techniques in your therapy sessions.

Krishna – The Man And His Philosophy by Osho                                

Know Krishna from Osho’s perspective.

Both were Masters of their own times,

Both were misunderstood in their Era,

Both had a Philosophy which was against repression.

A Classic, a book that will make you question your entire conditioning .

Mode: Offline

Hours: 48 hours

Learn! Grow! Evolve!

  • Helps question a lot of Belief Systems and Conditioning.
  • Importance of Acceptance of our Shadow Self.
  • What is Krishna – Consciousness.
  • What is real freedom?
  • Osho talks on: Krishna’s relationships, marriage & dharma during his lifetime.
  • Know different forms of actions
  • In detail, discussion on suppression and repression.  

Life Loves You is one of the most enchanting books by Louise Hay 

Mode: Online & Offline

Hours: 33 Hours

Learn! Grow! Evolve!

  • All about affirmations and its impact on our physical body and emotions.
  • Recognizing Self – Judgments.
  • Recognizing One’s Authentic Self.
  • Benefits of saying YES to life.
  • Reducing Guilt.
  • Art of Forgiveness and Letting Go.
  • Forgiveness Scale.
  • Exploring your relationship with your parents.
  • ‘Already Principle’ and many more such concepts.

The Laws of the Spirit World by Khorshed Bhavnagri                      

This is an amazing book – which has content of Spirit Communications from the Journal of Khorshed Bhavnagri. 

Mode: Offline and Online

Hours: 24 hours

Learn! Grow! Evolve!

  • The 7 Realms or Places
  • Earthly Crimes vs. Sin
  • The Purpose of Birth on Earth
  • Importance of Awakening your Subconscious Mind
  • What makes one fall spiritually?
  • All about Spirit World, Automatic Writing, Silver Cords, Twin Souls, etc.
  • Meditations and Prayers to go towards the True Soul Power.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay                                                    

This book will help you find the place within where you know your own self – worth, the part of you that is pure love and self – acceptance.

Mode: Online and Offline

Hours: 24 hours

Love! Grow! Evolve!

  • Understand resistance to change.
  • Understanding root causes of Procrastination.
  • Daily Work to increase your Self.
  • Putting High Self -Worth in relationships, work, success, prosperity, body, etc. 
  • Exercises, Meditations and Visualizations for Increasing Self – Love, Self – Worth and Self – Development – monitored by the therapist.