Angelic & Divine Being Course – Level 1

1) You will learn how to use Angelic & Divine Being Therapy in your daily life and also in any challenges which you are facing.
2) You will understand how manifestation happens, when we use Angelic & Divine Beings Therapy.
3) It will help in increasing all your intuition power. Improves your 4 Clair’s.
4) You will see a remarkable difference in your frequency level at the end of the workshop.
5) It will help you recognize your soul mission.
6) It will help you communicate better with the Angelic & Divine Beings.

Booklet and Certificate,
2 Angel Products, and
Angel Guidance for 2 personal challenges.

For Students who want to go to Level II
3 Follow up session of the implementation of what was taught in the Level I workshop.
Supervising and Monitoring any challenges faced by the students before the Level II starts.

Angelic & Divine Being Course – Level 1

Angels and Divine Beings are sent to us by our Creators to lend help, guidance, support and protection to human beings on the earth.

Hours: 48 hours

Mode: Offline

Learn! Grow! Evolve!

  • Introduction and Importance of Angelic and Divine Beings in one’s life.
  • Understanding and Overcoming the obstacles in Receiving Angel Messages.
  • Recognition of True Guidance of Angel Messages.
  • How to pray correctly?
  • What are the Spiritual laws? Keys to follow those Spiritual laws?
  • How to make the Universe work for you? 
  • Hierarchies of Angels.
  • In detail study of How to call Arch Angels and Divine Beings for any challenges.
  • Understanding in detail and Connecting with Guardian Angel, Ascended Masters, Fairies, Spirit Guides, Power Animal, Higher Self, Soul Mates, Soul Family, Earth Angel and Guidance on how to proceed towards your Soul Career.
  • Learn the technique of Etheric Cord Cutting – Enhancing  Earthly Relationships.
  • Learn to connect and communicate with Angelic and Divine Beings.
  • Different ways to receive Divine Messages. Learn to get tune into the Divine messages.
  • Step – by – Step cultivating the courage to implement intuitions on the Earth Plane.
  • Many different types of Meditation and Visualization techniques.
  • Oracle Angel Card Readings.
  • Learn how to use various Angelic and Divine Healing tools and products.