Know About FUDOL
FUDOL Therapies is a holistic healing centre wherein, we restore and heal from roots all of one’s physical, emotional and spiritual disturbances with our unique blend of Counseling and Healing Modalities like: Colour Therapy, Angel Therapy, Aura Therapy, Past Life Regression, Book Therapy, Hypnosis, Healing Kits and Workshops.
When you decide to follow on your Soul Career, you just need to take the first step and all other steps Divine will take for you. Something similar happened with FUDOL Therapies.
I was an active blogger back in 2011, my blog site name was filling up the dash -es of life. When I started my own counseling firm, I was juggling with lot of names, none clicked. Then I was guided to keep filling up the dash – es of life. My brother, Jigar Gandhi, suggested to come with an acronym for ease and thus FUDOL Therapies got incepted. Officially, FUDOL Therapies started in January 2015.
The therapeutic journey of FUDOL Therapies began by the universe intuitively guiding us towards clients who were facing challenges in conceiving, difficulties in their pregnancy, and post – partum depression.
With the blend of Psychotherapy and multiple healing modalities we are blessed to achieve the desired results in the clients suffering from depression, low – self ‘s, infertility, post – partum – depression, anxieties, abnormal pains, psycho -somatic disturbances and other mental and emotional challenges. You can check our Client Stories.
As we started supporting clients to empower themselves and build emotional and spiritual immune system. We were guided to curate courses for psychologist, healers and train therapist on how to work with blend of healing modalities and Healing kits.
@FUDOL Therapies we have designed unique One – Year holistic program for people suffering from any physical, emotional and spiritual challenges where one will experience:
1) Exploration of the Difficulty & It’s Origin.
2) Awareness of the Self – Defeating Behaviours.
3) Insights into the Reasons of the Self – Defeating Behaviours.
4) Healing from Roots: Strategies for eliminating the pain – points, integrating the lessons learnt.
5) Strengthen Clients Immune System (Physical, Emotional and Spiritual)
6) Personality Development – we will stay with the client, till they become empowered.
Know About the Director

Founder and Director of FUDOL Therapies
Born in 1982 under the Sun Sign of Cancer and under the Moon Sign of Piscean. I have always been interested in human nature and what causes the self – defeating behavior within us and what role does our environment play towards enhancing this self – defeating behaviors and how through the help of spirituality, psychology and philosophy we can go towards Self – Love.
Right from childhood, I was suffering from paralyzing fear syndrome where any tasks used to trigger anxiety and paralyzing fears. On hindsight, I feel I had carried characteristics of Fear from my past births. The emotions of fear lead to many unhealthy defense mechanisms, procrastination and delayed growth in terms of what is expected by the society. Also, in the environment, I started experiencing extreme criticisms, isolation, ignorance among certain groups to people – which now I know was just a reflection of my Low Self’s.
Though, right from the age of 11 years, I was introduced to a book ‘Bring out the Magic in my Mind’ by my cousin, Brahmi Gandhi, which was the 1st turning point in my life, the time my interest in Psychology and Self – Empowerment began.
Right from my early years, I had started reading books on Psychology, Philosophy, Self – Development and observing myself, others – the emotional and psychological challenges everyone was facing. Always trying to figure out ways of releasing myself and helping others out of the clutches of fear, sadness, guilt, anger, procrastination, self – doubt, etc.
Darsha Gandhi
Universe has its own way of shifting one’s life in a big way.
After doing my 5 years of commerce, computer courses and experimenting with many careers, I didn’t feel at home when it came to my professional life and was determined to get into Psychology. After a hustle of researching few options available, I did my double Masters in Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counseling.
Right after my Master’s, I was placed in an NGO name MANAV Foundation, which is Day rehabilitation centre for people suffering from Chronic Mental Illness. I am very grateful to the varied experience it gave me in counseling client suffering from different chronic mental illness, handling a centre, get a deeper understanding that only psychiatric medicine, counseling & therapy is not enough to restore and heal clients suffering from Chronic Mental Health.
Thus, my pursuit for restoring and healing Mental Health Challenges from roots began. I started studying different healing modalities. When I was in USA, I got a unique opportunity to studied Colour Therapy in detail with my mentor Leslie Solane, she was humble and she taught me the miracles which colours bring in our life and the potential colours in healing any physical, emotional and spiritual challenges. Along with Colour Therapy, I also got trained in Angel Therapy, Aura Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Graphology, Past Life Regression, Hypnosis to name a few healing modalities.
As I blended these therapies with psychotherapy, it started giving clients quick result, along with maintaining and enhancing their authenticity, building self – confidence to reach one’s potential in all area of life, manifesting healthy relationships and huge spurge of self – love and self – worth. Along the way, I got associated with Kherwadi, NGO – was counselor for drop out students , Gynea Galaxy – therapist for couples under going stress while planning a baby, Mentoria – Career Counseling Firm where I career counseled more than 1200 clients guiding them through their career (I am still associated with them). Analyzed more than 300 clients handwriting and signature analysis.
Every therapy, technique and healing product in FUDOL, is first tried and tested on myself and other therapist before using it in our therapeutic sessions. Keeping in mind the quality of exchange of knowledge, I prefer having a small group in any of my courses. I am eternally grateful to all people who mentored me, encouraged me, guided me throughout my journey in FUDOL Therapies.
FUDOL Therapies only pursuit is to turn our clients:
Hurt into Love
Shadows into Light
Tears into Laughter
Love! Light! Laughter!
Darsha Gandhi